What is it that our God wants from us? It's clear that He created the heavens and the earth and everything in them all as part of His greater intention to create us. We also know that when He created us, He created us in His own image. But why did He do all of this? As we begin to dig deep into the volumes of scripture we can begin to see how He has so carefully and meticulously planned everything out from beginning to end. But why? What's it all about and what would a God so awesome and so perfect possibly want with creatures as inferior as we are? What could He possibly see in us that is worth all of the pain and trouble we cause Him? This is what we're going to touch on here.
Genesis 1:26-27 (NLT), 26 Then God said, "Let us make people in our image, to be like ourselves. They will be masters over all life -- the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the livestock, wild animals, and small animals." 27 So God created people in his own image; God patterned them after himself; male and female he created them.*
Genesis 5:1-2 (NLT) 1This is the history of the descendants of Adam. When God created people, he made them in the likeness of God. 2 He created them male and female, and he blessed them and called them "human."*
He purposefully chose to make us in His own image. This has a number of important implications, but let's start with this: can we hold meaningful and powerful conversation ... with a donkey? We could get silly and start talking about ways that we might be able to communicate with animals, but the truth is - no. We don't share the same capacity for understanding, depth of emotions, relative cognition or other necessary commonalities needed to enable meaningful 2 way relationship on the same level. So to begin with, recognize that there was tremendous purpose in His decision to create us in His own image - He can relate to us and more importantly - we can relate to Him. Notice I emphasized the word "can". We have the ability ... whether we choose to or not ... is a choice He's left to us.
OK, we can see that, but still - WHY? There's a hint in Genesis 2:18 And the LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a companion who will help him." * Hmm ... wait a minute. I think I see something - we were created in His image, but it's not good for us to be alone. Time out! What am I implying? We were created in His image. So if we look into a spiritual mirror and filter what we see by what we know about our God (that He is pure, holy and all things good) we can begin to see in ourselves - His reflection. We can begin to see (and get this! It's the beginning of something awesome!) the spiritually genetic traits we inherited from our Father - our family resemblance.
Critically important keys to what I'm saying are that; 1. We have to know the pure nature and qualities of our Father in order to determine His qualities in us, and 2. We always have to remember that though we are created in His image - we are not Him. Now, using the filters and extremely important cautions I've given: it's possible for us to learn something about who we are and who He is by examining ourselves in that spiritual mirror. Some may find fault with what I'm saying here, but I'll tell you with the full conviction of the Holy Spirit within me that it's true. When I began to seriously try to figure out who He is and who I am out of my own desperate and personal need, He began to show me the pure traits we share - how we're related. He is my awesome and incomparable Father ... and I am His fumbling, still learning child struggling to walk in my Father's giant footsteps.
If we want to understand Him, and to a degree, even ourselves, we can find keys to that understanding even within ourselves by examining His qualities within us (do not forget the necessary filter and my cautions in this process or you'll be horribly deceived). I'm going to expose myself a little here in order to give you an example. I honestly think my Lord blessed me with some of the things I'll expose here as an example because He knew I'd be writing to you. I'm a husband of 32 years to one beautiful wife and a father with 7 children and 11 grandchildren. Of all of the things I truly treasure in this life, one of the greatest and purest joys are the innocent and affectionate hugs of my children and grandchildren. We share a family bond that is holy and pure unlike any relationship I have with any other human beings. It's not without its moments of trial and trouble - we're not without our imperfections. But I know few true, meaningful and lasting pleasures in this life that can compare and ... I can relate this to God.
I can imagine our God in my place and begin to understand what my hugs mean to Him. I know, that as a parent because of His great love for me, He will correct me when I error and that He will feel my pain of correction with me (all loving parents feel the pain of their children). But I also know that WE (my God and I)... are family ... and there's nothing else like that relationship or the knowledge of it in terms of value. Unlike me, our God is the perfect Father - He doesn't make mistakes. He's the perfect adviser, the perfect confidant, the impenetrable and unconquerable protector. He's the unwavering and omniscient teacher who will stand firm and tell it to me like it is because He knows that the truth is life to me and that deception will bring about my death. He is the patient teacher who will allow trials and difficulties to occur in my life to mold me into a man that He can have pleasure in as a son, but that He will also never let me be overcome - if I trust Him enough to keep holding His hand (that part is my choice to be obedient). These are only a few of the things that I've learned as I begin to see with a father's eyes. But there's so much more! He's given us examples and clues to who He is all around us and to a degree they tell us something about who we are. I tend to refer to them as parallels - things that I can see through His holy filter that exist to tell me something about Him and about who He intended me to be.
You are my family also. It's with pure and urgent brotherly affection that I tell you these things in the presence of our Father as He reveals them to my own heart. Begin to see that we are more than some Godly experiment. Understand that relationship with Him is our only real purpose. Find those things within you that are pure, Godly and holy and begin to see not only our Father, but who you are and recognize the relationship. We are made kin to God and to one another. If we love our Father, then we by obedience and in light of our spiritually genetic relationship must truly love one another. We're not just people sharing an existence on this planet for God's entertainment burdened with a command to obey His rules - WE'RE HIS FAMILY - we are HIS CHLDREN and HE is our adoring and doting FATHER!
If you haven't already, get it right. For your own sake, for the sake of the one that loves you more than any other could and so that our precious Christ's suffering and sacrifice won't have been in vain on your behalf . Get our Father's perspective for your life. Ask Him for it. Ask Him to make it your reality and your reason for existing. See Him as He is - our loving and righteous Father, then look for His hand in your life. If you look through His eyes, I guarantee that you'll see it. Then ... give Him a hug!
I love you. Walk in His Spirit.
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