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With Hearts of Endless Praise We Praise You

 Glorious Lord God over all that exists, our hearts are full of the praises your generous works give birth to. For all that you are Lord, there are not praises numerous or grand enough to honor the magnitude of your glory. The mere sound of your awesome voice spoke the world into existence and the thundering power of your whisper could rend it to oblivion. Great is your power and majesty beyond our ability to comprehend in terms that we can put words to.

But the power of your patience Eloihim, speaks endless volumes to the repentant who know they're not worthy of the magnitude of your grace. Who could truly know you and not be so hopeful and deeply in love with you as to make the affections and appliances of this world seem like filth on the dinner plate of our lives? There is no end of time to those eternal and no loss to those who have all to gain by your grace. Your mercy is overwhelming to the heart that knows failure in the face of the unearned volume of all that you offer in love and kindness.

There is no measure known to man to measure you Lord, or the gain of your offer against the measure of the attractions of this world. You're boundless and limitless, as is your hope and love for us. Oh Lord like many before us, we stand in awe lacking the ability to comprehend the value you choose to place on us and the effort you put forth to woo us. Oh Lord, that we could understand what you see in us! But Yeshua, our gratitude for the pleasure you take in us is unmeasureable also!

Like the bride of Hosea redeemed, we stand before you Lord. For you have paid the price to buy us back from the unspeakable fate of our failures and obsessions. You have redeemed us from the destiny we have earned by our weakness and unfaithfulness. An act unexplainable except by the depth of your love for us. So Lord we pray, give us strength in our weakness to stand strong in your house and bring joy to your heart for immeasurable days out of hearts overflowing with gratitude and affection. May our actions bring great honor to you our beloved, and may our words be praises that reach you with melodious fragrance that thrills your heart. Lord all that we have to give in return for your mercy and grace is this life you have first given us and then bought for us yet again. May we have true perspective to see the value you place on our love and burn with the desire to give it in spirit and in truth to you, our greatest love for all of the endless moments of time in eternity. Let it be so.


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