There's a lot of turmoil in the world - that's not news to anyone that doesn't have their head in the sand. There are so many things going on that are disturbing, disheartening and even potentially threatening to people with good hearts and a desire for good. For those raising children in a world of uncertainty, it's even more so as they consider the future prospects of their young ones facing a world seemingly more ominous than the one they themselves were raised in. So there are a lot of fears out there to be had if you want them. Not everyone is sharing them, but many have them just the same. I don't. Recently a number of people were present in a group chat while a few of us were discussing the current state of things - the seeming rise of evil, the decline of security and of good as a societal goal. These things and so many others are concerning to many right now and the comments in that chat touched on the need for preparations and the defense of home and fa...
A much loved spiritual mentor pointed out to me the difference between the Apostle Paul's past will (a life without Christ) and His new will that evolved after the Lord called Him. He then challenged me to define what my own new will would say... ...let my response be found here...
"It is not the title that people give to themselves that defines who they are; it is the fruit of what they produce." Graham Cooke