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Showing posts from December, 2014

Endless Prayer

Lord, By your grace, grant me your perspective. Help me to see things as you see them, because the way that you see them is the truth that exists before me. Help me to hear things as you hear them, because the way that you hear them is with true discernment. Help me to think as you think, for your thoughts are truly wise, righteous and holy. Help me to have a heart that is constantly seeking your own and that is moved by the things that move yours. For your heart is the pinnacle of beauty. Help me to reside in your spirit always, for your Spirit leads me on the pathway ever closer to you. Lord, teach me your ways and help me to walk in them firmly, for your ways are not the ways of this world that seeks to deceive me. Remind me constantly of your great works and all that you are as I walk through this place so that I may always worship you in spirit and truth, properly respecting the God of my creation. Lord, being the created, I cannot and have no desire to be my own ...