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Showing posts from October, 2012

Who Is He Today?

What I'm about to share is somewhat personal because it includes a correction of myself by the Lord in the past. One made necessary because of my own attitudes and the lesson He made clear to me through it. In no way am I making a political reference or comment on worldly government. Instead I'm speaking about something much higher. Before I am a member of any political party, I am an American. But before that, I am a Christian subject to the much higher government of the omnipotent and Holy God - the authority, reign, declarations and judgments of whom no man ,woman or child will escape. My comments are regarding that government and the truth of duty to which we are all subject regardless of our color, sex or political inclinations ... It's election time in the United States. A time that unfortunately generates many spurious assertions and accusations and can create strong discord over a variety of candidates and issues. Emotions are high among many as the characte...

Who Raised The Bar???!!!

Who Raised The Bar???!!! What if we were to view what God declares through the whole of His word as an acceptable life for His children - as the bar of a track and field high jump? The Lord would say to us that "this is the ac ceptable goal - this is what I require of you." OK, that's clear enough. So now, we begin to train. We begin to work toward that goal, jumping just a little higher each day with His coaching and help. But  then, by the same imagination  y ou begin to realize  that in this world there are also a whole multitude of other bars that people have set for themselves and for others to clear. Society sets bars, families set bars, there are the bars set by friends and employers, and the bars that we set for ourselves through borrowing (otherwise known as selling ourselves into slavery) and personal goals  (bars we set for ourselves regarding careers, family, future accomplishments etc.)  - an endless number of bars for us to jump! It seems...