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Showing posts from April, 2012

The Danger Of "Little Things"

They're "Little Things", little tweaks to what we've been able to tolerate or have accepted in the past. That's all they are. Little things that push the boundaries just a little further. Nothing big, but every little one potentially very dangerous when we consider that since the creation of man, our God hasn't compromised what He's said even one "little" bit. Most of us live in a world full of things we feel that we have to try to keep up with. The demands of the world around us can be many and at times we may find ourselves stretched to our limits to have any time to pay attention to all of the things we hold to be important. Sometimes it's hard just to cover all of the basics as well as we feel we should. Or in the way that society would tell us that we should. But in the course of our busy lives, there are some things we need to remember to be aware of and that we can't afford to overlook. As Christians we have to constantl...

God Without Equal

Awesome God who imagined the stars and every wondrous thing beneath them, we're awed Lord by your creativity and power. Not only are you without equal, but there are none fit to stand in even the mere shadow of your greatness to be measured against you. The weight of the truth of your full measure would crush any who even entertain the thought to boast. The beauty of your character is beyond the ability of any to describe. There are not words Lord to do justice to the wonder of your glory in any language known on earth or even in the utterings of the angels. Your greatness exceeds the limits of time and space for you are beyond their limits. you hold them both in your great hand and have full power over them. They stand humbly at your command without will against your wishes to serve your purposes. The wisdom of your plans leaves us in awe. For the full expanse of your limitless wisdom exceeds the capacity of our mortal minds to understand let alone contain. Our greatest ...

3 Days ...

It's a period of 3 days in early spring - the new season that marks the long winters' end. Winter as we all know is a time that's often cold, harsh and lifeless. It's a period marked by creations' slumber and among the seasons, winter represents hardship, barrenness and even death in nature. It's a time when creation suffers due to separation from the life giving warmth of the sun - much like the period of mans' separation from the warmth of Gods' close presence and relationship in the garden of Eden. It's a period of harshness, deprivation ... and wrath. The changing of the seasons and the occurrence marked by the 3 days in question aren't tied together by coincidence. Their timing together was part of a plan set into motion at the moment God created the earth. Because of Gods' infinite wisdom, this life contains many parallels. Many are found in creation, our own bodies, relationships between people, and things that occur in the nature...