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Showing posts from April, 2011

The ABCs OF Christian Survival and Growth: The Outline - Reviewing Step 1.A.

If you've come this far with me, I hope you'll understand that I too am His work in progress. He's called my attention to the fact that I have the natural ability to overload people and put them to sleep. It's so hard for me to condense the fullness of what He shares with my heart sometimes. But with His help I'll try to do better starting with this. I love you, so please bear with me. So far we've really identified 3 necessary elements of Christian life. The first one, I assumed that you were already aware of if you're reading this and the other 2 I expounded on. But I need to do a little more justice to all 3 in more concise form, so let's review beginning with the real #1- Salvation. Let's make sure we have things in proper context and the car set on the right road from the beginning. Here's the outline for our next conversations (Jesus help me be brief and to the point): Initial Salvation = The beginning of a relationship A. Recognition a...

The ABCs Of Christian Survival And Growth Part 2: Keyword: Obedience

In the introduction, I made an analogy that would compare a new Christian to a shiny new car with many exciting features to explore and enjoy. But I think maybe we should adjust the picture just a little and see that beautiful new car as your new Christian life. In part 1, I pointed out the need to have the discipline to consult the owner's manual. In case anyone would have missed it, your owners manual, the instructions for operating this outstanding vehicle manufactured by God, is your Bible. In His infinite wisdom, our Lord has covered every possible situation and subject for living successfully with Him in this book. If you're reading this, I'm assuming that you had the faith to make that first step by believing in Christ, confessing that you were a sinner and asking Him to be your Savior. So if you had the faith in Him to do that, now have the faith to believe that He has the infinite wisdom to cover every one of life's situations and circumstances in His Living W...

The ABCs Of Christian Survival And Growth Part 1: Discipline And The Owner's Manual

In my introduction to this series of posts, I made an analogy - comparing a new Christian to a shiny new car. I think this is a useful analogy so I'm going to run with it for a time. If you haven't read the introduction yet, please do. It'll make this post a lot more understandable. Maybe you could consider these posts as a practical Christian consumer commentary on that vehicle. For all of the shiny new cars (New Christians) out there, recognize that there's only one manufacturer (our God) and therefore only one manufacturer produced owner/operator's manual - His Word. A wise brother told me years ago "never take another man word for what God is saying to you - read it for yourself in His Word". This has probably been one of the most productive and useful pieces of advice that I've been given in my Christian walk. In order to follow it, one has to read the owner's manual on a regular basis. I'm trusting that you will also follow this advice ...

The ABCs Of Christian Survival And Growth Introduction: Those Forgetting ... And The Forgotten

As a Christian, are you feeling spiritually tired and run down? Does your life seem to be without real "Life" and direction? Are you frustrated by a lack of power and fulfillment - things that you were told you would experience as a follower of Christ? Do you find your walk with the Lord falling short of the things that you read about in His Word or hear described in the lives of others? Do you find yourself lacking in the gifts described in the Bible and witnessed in the lives of other Christians? Do you find it hard to understand what the Lord is saying to you personally when you read the Word? If you said yes to any of these questions, then you might be missing some very essential and basic elements of Christian life and relationship with our God. You may be among ... "The Forgotten" - someone who's wondering what do I do now? Or maybe you're one of those that tried, but stopped growing or even became disillusioned and gave up. This is for you. Wha...